Writer’s Memo- This I Believe Essay

Tracing the evolution of this draft, I initially decided on this topic due to the assignment originally having to be completed on community, writing and leadership. After some consideration, I figured out that I could use the story behind my eagle project as a great example of community, and more specifically community service. Even though that was good already, I wanted to turn the tables on the traditional belief of service because I know from my personal experiences that the helper can gain a sense of self-satisfaction from serving, just as great as those they are serving.

I feel fairly confident about this draft. I think as far as my visual strategy is concerned, I have a solid project. I utilized my own pictures and my own personalized story in order to get my belief across to my viewers. I also recorded my story over top of my video. I did have a little trouble with my audio quality and timing so I hope to improve on that. I had never made an iMovie before this project. In fact, I am new to apple systems all together. After some hands-on learning through making my project I know feel fairly literate in the iMovie application. I was able to learn how to use panning techniques, set up timing, insert words in to project, as well as inputting transitions. I hope my reader can gain something (in respect to service) out of viewing my project that they didn’t already know coming in.

I would first like my reviewers to judge and assess my video quality. Does my timing seem fine or does it need some tweaking? Also, I would like my reviewers to let me know what they think of my audio quality. What suggestions might they add to making my spoken story better at impacting my audience? Lastly, I want my reviewers to think about anything that could potentially make my project better. Does my project seem like it is missing anything or are you confused on any topic? If so, I would like to know.

The videos that we watched on visual strategies helped me a lot in designing my video. The John Lennon video that talked about panning was especially helpful in designing my project since it consists of mostly photographs. The time allotted to us in class also helped me to further develop my storytelling style. I think all of the activities that we completed were helpful and they all had their specific purposes. The grading approach has work fine for me in this class so far. It hasn’t really affected my writing process on this project so far.

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