Annotated Bibliography 10-Jessica Holland

Holland, Jessica. Personal interview. 27 Sept. 2012.

My interview with Jessica gave me a look into her experience with the issue of drunk driving. She had been personally affected my drunk driving because she had some friends that recently died as a result of a drinking-related accident. Although still a very touchy subject for her, Jessica was able to give me a good description of the events that transpired. A group of Jessica’s friends were all out one night drinking at another one of their friend’s party. The girl’s were all well past wasted but they all had to get home that night. So one of the girls decided that it would be fine if she were to just drive them all back home. It was not long after the girls began riding down the road that they became involved in a fatal accident. The alcohol coursing through the young female driver’s veins caused her not only to speed but also to have an extremely hard time controlling the vehicle. The automobile soon swerved off of the road and the vehicle tragically struck a tree at high impact. The aftermath of the crash resulted in two of the four friend’s deaths and the hospitalization of the other two, one of them the driver.

My interview with Ms. Holland was especially helpful in learning more about my topic on a personal level. She was able to explain to me how it feels to be affected by drunk driving first-hand. This is a reliable primary source and one that can directly speak for college students.

Since she is also a college student this gives her interview even more effect in my paper. It can be easily incorporated and her experiences will be easily identifiable by college students. It will be a big part of the area of my paper which is devoted to  the effects of drunk driving. I think this interview will shed light to the horrible effects that can come about as a result of drunk driving.

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